If you're reading this page, welcome to my blog! My name is Joel Delgado. A little bit about me: I'm a twenty-something Christ follower, writer, sports fan and coffee connoisseur.
By day, I'm a staff writer for FIU News and by night I'm a graduate student/freelance sports reporter/blogger. I've had the privilege of being published in the Miami Herald, San Antonio Express-News, RELEVANT.com, Newsday, Lacrosse Magazine and a few other publications. I also had a brief stint in Texas as a former Public Relations and Communications Director for the San Antonio Scorpions of the North American Soccer League.
I was born, raised and currently living in beautiful Miami, FL and graduated from Florida International University with a degree in Political Science in 2012 and now I'm back in school at FIU to get a master's degree in Mass Communication.
So what exactly is this blog, this personal project of mine, that you stumbled upon? To be honest, I'm not quite sure yet. Like 99.9% of twenty-somethings out there, I'm still figuring things out -- and chances are you might be in that boat with me, too. My hope with this blog is to share with you some of the things I'm learning along the way -- from God and from the people in my life; from the news articles I read and everyday occurrences; from anything and everything! The truth is, there are chances to learn something new everyday, and the day we stop learning is the day we stop breathing.
A journey of faith is a beautiful, but messy thing. It's not a journey that was meant to be walked alone; it's best done together. Consider this blog an invitation -- an invitation for you to join me alongside my own journey. I hope this blog becomes a community where people like you and me can be honest and open about our faith, our doubts and everything in between. I hope this blog will help you navigate through some of the stuff life throws at you as I navigate through it myself.
I hope that you will consider sharing your own story with those around you, because I promise you, someone needs to hear it. Someone needs to hear your story. You have something to say and offer to the world around you. My prayer is that you don't waste that opportunity!
Welcome to my story; I hope you stick along for the ride!